

Having arthritis can significantly affect your comfort and ability to walk and move with confidence. This is because it affects your joints, which are responsible for keeping you steady and moving efficiently. Your symptoms and causes will depend on the type of arthritis that you have.


At Masterton Foot Clinic, our podiatrists work closely with patients with four types of arthritis.


Osteoarthritis is the wear and tear arthritis that develops slowly over time as the cartilage that covers your bone ends wears down. The cause is largely from natural use over many years, though injuries, alignment issues within the joint and other diseases may result in it developing at a faster rate. We work with patients that want to feel more comfortable on their feet, despite having arthritis in their hip, knee, ankle and foot joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints. It occurs when your body’s immune system attacks the joints and causes damage, inflammation and pain. If the effects of rheumatoid arthritis remain uncontrolled, it can cause permanent changes in the appearance of the joints, especially at the feet and hands. We work with patients to help them manage the discomfort associated with rheumatoid arthritis, offloading prominent and painful areas that have developed due to changes in the joints.


Gout is an inflammatory arthritis that results from a high concentration of uric acid in the blood. It is associated with a high intake of purine-containing foods like red meats, shellfish and red wine, hence it was previously referred to as the rich man’s disease. Gout feels like sharp, painful crystals in the joints. Often, this is in the big toe or the joints of the feet. We work with patients to help them feel more comfortable on their feet during a flare of gout, as well as help advise them on how to help prevent gout flares from occurring.

Arthritis In Kids (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis)

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the name given to the many types of arthritis that affect children below the age of sixteen. As this is also a critical growth window for kids, JIA has the potential to negatively (and permanently) interfere with a child’s growth and bone development. We help kids manage their arthritis and stay comfortable on their feet.